Tuesday, July 31, 2012

CEO Sleepout Community

2 years ago a man called Harold took part in a documentary for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. He was in his mid 40’s on the streets and had lost touch with his family following the breakdown of his marriage.

After the documentary, Harold started using the Ozanam Learning Centre regularly. He did a literacy course and several TAFE courses before applying to do a law degree.

Vinnies received the following email from Harold who gave us permission to share his story. We have taken out identifying details….

My name is Harold. I don’t know if you remember me. I am a homeless man studying law at University. I have passed the first semester of law. Some of my efforts at uni resulted in distinctions and higher distinctions, but I had to leave the area halfway through the term because my accommodation fell through and I completed the required units while living on the streets in Sydney.

This email is unashamedly an attempt at string pulling.

I am looking for accommodation at the moment because studying law on the streets is a fool proof method of failure. I have been reluctant to ask for any help from any person or organization during my time on the streets, but I have been a grateful recipient of assistance in the form of blankets, food and simple compassion when it has been offered. Thus the step of asking for help is new to me.

I have found that I enjoy the study of law because it requires a focused and calm mind to unravel the formula of reason it depends on to function. It is still very early days at the moment and I am aware that I will only progress one step at a time. This is somewhat reassuring; it means there is no way to get too far ahead of oneself.

Thank you for any help you can give.

PS – By the way I started and completed an assignment while here amidst the carnage of the street and I received a distinction. I was literally working on the pavement in the middle of the mayhem till my laptop ran out of charge, tapping away till all hours to complete it. So I am mightily chuffed. I can do this. I can complete this degree.

Cheers and god bless Harold

I’m delighted to tell you that a CEO Sleepout Australian Charity participant has agreed to help Harold get settled in near the university.

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout highlights that homeless people as MORE than just homeless and you are investing in their potential. And it is that potential that makes the lawyers and artists and musicians and so much more…

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

3 Internet Marketing Tips that Give Results

There are many ways to make money online, it's just a matter of moving forward in the right direction. The internet marketing strategies in this article will make your efforts more profitable.

If you want to make more sales online, the first thing you should remember is that people are looking for help with a problem, not a product to buy. People with problems or difficulties are looking for the best and least expensive way to improve their situation. Your first job as an internet marketer, then, is to establish some credibility by finding a way to help people. Selling online can be challenging, because you can't interact with anyone in person. For this reason, it's a good idea to provide some benefit to your prospects before trying to get them to buy something. You can offer them a helpful report, ebook, video or article for free. However, your job as a helpful Internet marketer doesn't end there, you have to go beyond and help out your existing customers too. You want to make sure that, once someone has your product, that they are satisfied and that any problems are addressed. This will show your customers that you're genuinely trying to extend a helping hand, which will compel them to purchase from you again. Don't think in terms of selling just one product to your customers, but aim to keep them returning to you for the rest of their lives. Run your internet marketing business with true integrity rather than trying to just turn over a fast profit. By doing this, you'll be building a business that will last.

If there's anything that scares away online marketers, it's the concept of using forums for business growth and all the other good things that are possible. The reason it's misunderstood is because many new Internet marketers don't realize the value of running your own forum and what it can do for their business. The thing about is that it sounds worse than it really is, and we know that they're not difficult at all to get off the ground. You can profit massively if you put the effort into building it and making it a great experience - think about having all that targeted traffic coming to you. Therefore, we urge you to look at your business and target audience, and see if it's something that is viable; if so, do it. Why not?

If you are not currently using video in your marketing, you're dropping the ball and losing ground. Video is extremely powerful, if you do it right, for attracting targeted traffic to your sites. It's something that really need not be explained to any marketer. There are also a lot of other sites to choose from.

Hard work is necessary to achieve anything worthwhile, and internet marketing is no different - sorry! Perhaps the most important thing you can do in addition to learning is to simply take some action.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Motivations for Going Into a Masters of Social Work

Following the undergraduate social work class is the Masters Social Work. MSW is post-university level education, which means it involves added dimensions to the discipline. This takes most of the undergraduate courses to the next degree of refinement.

You are required to produce a bachelor's diploma to be admitted into the course. The undergraduate, after all, prepares you for the advanced ideas that are going to be thrown at you in a master's. In the MSW (Master of Social Work) program, you shall be facing fairly advanced ideas regarding society and how to intervene in its workings for the good of all.

You should thus be someone who has a fairly deep comprehension of how the societal framework is structured and how it may be improved. These are topics of true importance to the world and to other people, and they are complex. If you have experience in social work, it shall assist you immensely.

Social Work is all about communities and the people. Understandably, a Masters program in this field of public service cannot and must not be confined to the classroom. People in the course have to do a lot of researching and problem-solving.

Theoretical knowledge cannot fix everything. Field experience can never be put down as a mode of teaching. Practice cannot be separated from thought in true education.

You can expect your studies to go for about half the time it takes to do the average undegraduate program. Master's courses shall help students become the specialists they want to be in this field with a variety of skill development exercises and lessons. Once you have completed your studies, you shall be qualified for advanced social work.

You are going to be asked to display a good head for analysis and problem resolution. You should be skilled at handling practical situations. A Master’s diploma also qualifies students or practitioners to pursue a Doctoral Program in Social Work.

You may well work for government after your studies, or perhaps for a non-governmental organization. The services of expert social workers are much-needed in poverty-stricken countries in the developing world. Naturally, they are also going to be challenging.

The Third World is a primary area of attention for the field. Nowadays, people call 3rd world countries developing countries, to paint a more optimistic picture of their development. Social work graduates should be attuned to such things due to their training and its purpose.

While social work is not easy, it has its share of rewards. Nothing fills up one’s cup more than helping the needy. Your Master of Social Work classes, then, are going to help you to become a better person in the service of all other persons around you.

A Business Management Degree: Why Essential?

It is a business degree that is the key to successfully breaking into the business world. For many positions, job applicants are expected to at least have some higher education qualification. Anyone looking to climb the corporate ladder would do themselves a great service by pursuing a business management degree online.

The overall working knowledge provided by business management degrees makes them quite useful. This program gives students a solid grasp of good business practices. The program builds further on this knowledge by offering specialized management coursework, where students learn practical skills for directing, overseeing and troubleshooting business operations.

Business management courses cover areas related to financial management that include subjects such as accounting and finance. Courses related to human resource management could include employee motivation, staff training and workplace safety. Operations management is another section that includes subjects like marketing and performance management.

A business management degree program provides students with a wide range of knowledge and skills needed to perform management or supervisory functions in a variety of work environments. The critical role of management knowledge and skills in operating any kind of business is taught as students are exposed to different types of industries. Good management practices are taught and also their adaptation to any management style.

Business management degrees allow students to choose an industry management specialty. Hotel and restaurant management are among these. Others may want to learn how to perform in a multinational company or other industries.

Business management programs are an excellent training ground for individuals looking to pursue a career as a manager in a business entity, such as corporations, schools, hotels, among others. Reviewing the course outline of the business management program that has captured their interest will ensure that the prospective student understands how this will prepare them for employment after graduation. Some programs offer internship opportunities with prominent employers and industries, others provide specialized training requested by employers and immediately absorb outstanding students into their workforce.

Any higher education degree ultimately prepares students to find suitable and rewarding employment opportunities. Business management courses serve the dual purpose of equipping students with the necessary skills for establishing and operating their own businesses. Business management programs include courses on entrepreneurship.

Even those who don't have the time to attend actual classes can still earn an online business management degree. With the commitments that plague many who desire to pursue further education, online programs allow students to keep their day jobs while earning the qualification. Many who have other commitments but still wish to study are appreciative of the online degree programs.

Online business management degrees allow people the opportunity to go after a business career despite not being able to attend regular university. The online business management degree does in fact give the student a greater chance at achieving their career goals. A degree in business management definitely paves the way for a fulfilling career in business.

There are number of benefits for those who earn a business management degree. It gives you solid credentials and also qualifies you for a good job. With entrepreneurial skills improved, graduates confidently establish and operate their own businesses.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What is the Best Way to Deal With Men's Hair Loss?

Don't think you are alone in dealing with this condition. Every man worries at least a little bit about losing his hair. Those men who refuse to admit they have worried about it are just afraid of what others will think of them. The reason so many men worry about losing their hair is that hair loss is incredibly wide spread. Unlike the flu hair loss cannot be passed from person to person except in the genetics. You do also need to be schooled in the causes and treatments of hair loss. Here in this article we will discuss each of these. According to some studies, using Saw Palmetto can do a lot in solving this issue. Some depend heavily on a drug called Propecia for hair loss treatment. Regardless of the reason for your hair loss you will want to explore this treatment as it has been proven to reduce hair loss. Propecia is an oral drug that helps fight Telogen by stimulating these sleeping enzymes and follicles into action. Growing natural hair by waking up sleeping follicles is made possible with Propecia. This is one of the only two hair growth methods that have been tested and approved by the FDA. The FDA does not approve of medications that they don't feel comfortable backing claims on so that must say something about Propecia for it to be approved and tested. Talk with your doctor before you order any though, just to be safe!Ayurveda are great if you want more info about healthy herbs that can really help you.
The western world knows another treatment by the name of Rogaine as a successful treatment option for hair loss. Marketing campaigns introducing Rogaine began to be seen more than two decades ago in some areas. Rogaine has also been approved by the FDA making it the second approved medication in the treatment of hair loss. Rogaine is not a pill you take orally rather it is a topical solution to hair loss. You will eventually start seeing new hair growth when applying this treatment to your scalp. If totally natural hair is what you are after, this is the product for you. Rogaine is not just a simple quick fix, you have to continue use or your hair could again start to fall out.

Even babies suffer from hair growth issues in a condition we refer to as cradle cap. This condition can happen to adults too. Cradle cap for adults is a contributor to hair loss. The hairs ability to grow freely is squashed by conditions such as the crusty rash called cradle cap. Because of the number of causes we cannot possibly list them here. Consult your doctor for ideas on how to clear up this condition. It is a fact that this condition is easily reversible. Listen to your doctor, wait it out and follow his instructions.

Taking the time to learn why you are losing your hair will assist you in dealing with, treating and preventing it from happening or progressing further. It is also important that you understand that you are not alone in worrying about the state of your hairline. Many many men battle this every day. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent and treat your hair loss.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Buying Cheap Domestic Flights

Palawan Set 3 by Jeruel IbaƱez Photography

Over the last few years the fear of flying has caused the prices to rise. There was a time when flying domestically was affordable. Today even a short flight can cost an arm and a leg to purchase. For this reason people are now seeking the best deal. This article will help you learn to be a better airfare shopper. You will learn how to cut down on the price you would normally have to pay for airline tickets. A great local destination would be Honday Bay and you'll definitely love it there. Sign up for frequent flier miles. Check out the deals being offered by any of your credit cards, or by one of the airlines. This way you will get extra points. You'll get points for the miles that you actually fly and you will get points for the money that you spend. These flier miles that you collect will allow you to get cheaper flights. People with many frequent flier miles can sometimes get flights for free. Since these programs are offered by so many different airlines and credit card companies, why not sign up for many of them and get even more frequent flier miles?

Underground River by mikoislegendary

Do you need to travel due to an emergency or other special circumstance? Emergency flights, like those needed in the wake of a family member's death, are available at a very discounted rate. Each airline has different requirements for qualifying for these cheap domestic flights. Proof of the emergency may be required to qualify for the discount. To ensure you get the discount, verify the requirements with the ticket agent when you purchase your tickets. Then you need to make sure that you meet those requirements. Traveling to Kayangan Lake is a cinch. Watch out for consolidators. Some perfectly respectable companies do indeed offer great deals on flights. The problem is, an equal number will just rip you off. Quite a few consolidators are only around for a very short time, and when they go out of business, any tickets you bought from them are rendered worthless.

Make sure you are dealing with an honest consolidator before making your travel arrangements with them. To avoid being victimized by a bogus company, ask for a recommendation from an airline for a legitimate company they deal with. If you deal with the wrong company, you could end up losing all your vacation funds and have nothing to show for it. It doesn't need to be a major challenge to find cheap domestic flights. It is fairly simple to find affordable flights with a little common sense. Its no different than searching for a deal on anything else. Examine all your options through careful research. Take all the time you need to feel comfortable with your options. Weigh the pros and cons of each option. Then, after you do all of that, you make your decision. Use these tips to avoid paying through the nose just to travel in your own country. After all, the airlines need you just as much as you need them, right?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Watch for the Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes is a disease that affects a lot of people of all ages. There are two forms of Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is predominantly hereditary and genetic. Type 2 is often a repercussion of lifestyle and environmental factors. While the disease is not always entirely avertable, for the most part it can be warded off for quite awhile. One of the best ways to get as much control over the disease as possible is to learn how to recognize the major diabetes symptoms. Once you know how to identify the major symptoms of this disorder you stand a better chance of controlling it and not letting it affect your life in any major way. Diabetes can present itself in a number of ways. Some are diagnosed quickly and easily while others take time to accurately diagnose as diabetes. Another person's diabetes symptoms might be more subtle and that person could be misdiagnosed a few times before a correct diagnosis is made. The good news is that diabetes has a few very distinct symptoms that people should watch out for. A few of the major symptoms of diabetes are discussed here. If you have any of these symptoms or know someone who does see your doctor. Identifying the bigger symptoms of diabetes can help you miss out on complications with the disease. Unfortunately, a lot of the signs of diabetes that present themselves outside of the body are also signs of other disorders. If you will try Bitter Melon for Diabetes, you will have a new and better result.

This can cause a lot of misdiagnoses before correctly identifying it and a course of action is chosen upon. Still, being able to notice the chief indicators of this sickness can save you bunches of time. When you discover one of the symptoms listed in this article, consult with your physician and ask to be tested. Indicators of diabetes are often times the same indicators that are seen in other diseases. The only symptoms that are unique to diabetes are not readily apparent without extensive medical testing. Although, this does not mean you should stop looking for signs of the disease. There are many different methods diabetes can use start showing the syndrome of itself. This article will discuss some of the bigger symptoms of this illness. Type 1 Diabetes is a disease that is also called Juvenile Onset diabetes. Type 1 diabetes targets younger people and has a subtle onset. Type 2 Diabetes is called Adult Onset diabetes and is often very symptomatic. In fact, Type 2 diabetes can often be predicted based on a person's lifestyle choices and environment. But it is still wise to watch for some of the major symptoms of this disease. By staying aware, you won't give diabetes a chance to develop undetected. The following article will explain some of the major symptoms of diabetes.