Tuesday, July 31, 2012

CEO Sleepout Community

2 years ago a man called Harold took part in a documentary for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. He was in his mid 40’s on the streets and had lost touch with his family following the breakdown of his marriage.

After the documentary, Harold started using the Ozanam Learning Centre regularly. He did a literacy course and several TAFE courses before applying to do a law degree.

Vinnies received the following email from Harold who gave us permission to share his story. We have taken out identifying details….

My name is Harold. I don’t know if you remember me. I am a homeless man studying law at University. I have passed the first semester of law. Some of my efforts at uni resulted in distinctions and higher distinctions, but I had to leave the area halfway through the term because my accommodation fell through and I completed the required units while living on the streets in Sydney.

This email is unashamedly an attempt at string pulling.

I am looking for accommodation at the moment because studying law on the streets is a fool proof method of failure. I have been reluctant to ask for any help from any person or organization during my time on the streets, but I have been a grateful recipient of assistance in the form of blankets, food and simple compassion when it has been offered. Thus the step of asking for help is new to me.

I have found that I enjoy the study of law because it requires a focused and calm mind to unravel the formula of reason it depends on to function. It is still very early days at the moment and I am aware that I will only progress one step at a time. This is somewhat reassuring; it means there is no way to get too far ahead of oneself.

Thank you for any help you can give.

PS – By the way I started and completed an assignment while here amidst the carnage of the street and I received a distinction. I was literally working on the pavement in the middle of the mayhem till my laptop ran out of charge, tapping away till all hours to complete it. So I am mightily chuffed. I can do this. I can complete this degree.

Cheers and god bless Harold

I’m delighted to tell you that a CEO Sleepout Australian Charity participant has agreed to help Harold get settled in near the university.

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout highlights that homeless people as MORE than just homeless and you are investing in their potential. And it is that potential that makes the lawyers and artists and musicians and so much more…

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